Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Fly Me To The 'Moon, Part One: Roma

Wonderful things about Rome:

The narrow cobblestone streets



The businessmen in suits on scooters

Eating in restaurants where there are no other tourists

Learning a handful of words in Italian and actually using them

The quiet, sprawling green park above the Piazza del Popolo

To see a few of my photos from Rome:


Anonymous said...

Sweetie, they're wonderful!

Anonymous said...

I love your pictures. They're so much better than the average tourist cliches.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing your photos..Isn't other parts of this world wonderful to see and take pics of and experience??????Lovemom

this is me said...

HURRAY! Finally!! I can't wait to look at them.

Anonymous said...

I absolutely LOVE the pictures!!

and thank you also for the little note cards. That was so nice of you! (:

Anonymous said...

Hi there.
I stumbled onto your blog through links from another blog ( absolutely LOVE those pictures.
I was in Rome last year and those photos totally took me back there.
Thank you :)